What exactly is VCDT and how does VCDT work?
Do I need to know the reason for my phobia in order to be successfully treated?
Does VCDT use ‘Shock Treatment”?
What else can it successfully treat?
What do I need to bring to a session?
What exactly is VCDT and how does VCDT work?
VCDT is a revolutionary therapy created by Nik & Eva Speakman. Angela has been personally qualified by Nik & Eva to be a VCDT practitioner and specialist.
VCDT has its roots in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). We say that the eyes are the windows to our souls. NLP and VCDT know this to be true and that our eyes and brains are so much more connected than we ever realised. VCDT uses eye cues to locate a specific ‘programme’ in the brain, associated with particular emotions, memories, issues and thoughts. Then we use a simple technique to change the way we think about those issues. We can turn the volume down so the issue isn’t as much of one before, or we can turn it off.
We think of the brain at birth generally as a beautifully clean, perfectly working computer. The learned programmes after birth and the viruses are stored in our brain similar to the icons on your computer desk top. Thinking of our eyes as the cursor on the mouse, we can access each programme and use VCDT to effectively to remove it. It’s a simple, non-invasive process, that isn’t hypnotherapy and can’t be easily described. The client will always be in control and fully aware and in agreement with the process. As much as people have asked me to work on something with their spouses , we simply can’t without the person’s consent!
Yes it is. VCDT practitioners wouldn’t do anything they didn’t ethically believe in. They won’t make you do something that they wouldn’t want to go through themselves. We care. We want to change the world one piece at a time, person by person. As Howard Thurman said “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” The world needs happy people, more positive energy and more smiles. VCDT helps you leave any and all issues behind you so you get to live your life to the fullest extent possible. VCDT won’t programme you to do something you don’t want to do. In fact many of us are experimenting with the applications of VCDT to see where else it can help people’s lives. The results are awesome and very exciting.
Do I need to know the reason for my phobia in order to be successfully treated?
No you don’t. That’s one of the beauties of it. We do think that once you think about it, you may remember how it started, but we don’t need to delve back into that time or address the situation.
Does VCDT use ‘Shock Treatment’?
No! We know of many therapies that take a long time over weeks or months often building up to putting the client through some sort of shock treatment. Personally, the thought of such treatment gives me the shivers. I am not scared of anything, but I wouldn’t want to be locked in a room full of spiders or snakes any more than the next person. With VCDT, we don’t need any such treatments.
What else can it successfully treat?
The applications are endless. It can be used to assist with all sorts of traumas. If you have an issue that you think is a helpless case, VCDT may well be the answer. There’s no harm or cost in contacting us to see how VCDT could work for you… nothing to lose and everything to gain.
What do I need to bring to a session?
Yourself. That’s pretty much it. We will talk to you about your issue before you come to see us. If there is anything specific you need to bring with you, we will let you know. For some addiction work we may need you to bring your ‘crutch’ with you, but we will talk about it first.